I was on the road, gliding on the bike, early morning, looking at people around. The human difference. The thoughts rolled out. Some from the previous night. Thought, if people are not the same within a city, the differences between nations would be far more. ya, humans would be humans every where, but yet division lines would be bolder!
Then the axe fell on poor
I felt something is wrong. Not the war! Something else!
I thought then, why has
What made two cultures collide? What made them bother each other so negatively? Ya, it could be oil or....., but I have a different story.
I fight with people I know but not with strangers. I don’t engage with them, so when to fight. Ya, there is the odd event of someone overstepping over someone, or some other squabble for space! (Here I just mean physical?) But that’s about it. But there are no gun shots! In Most cases!
Similarly, here there are stranger nations quite alien to each other but throwing bombs on each other. Zombies! Or, is it because human beings have a fantasy, as the movies show, that they’ll have to fight against aliens from some other planet.
No jokes. Something’s wrong!
And, I guessed they were trapped in knowledge and beliefs and values. They may have had the highest of values, and they were trapped in it.
Freedom, human rights and democracy are all truly valuable and
But cultures are different and not all may be as enlightened as Uncle Sam. Not all may value the finest of human values and yet can be in harmony with self and others.
Our knowledge is incomplete without knowing what we don’t know. And maybe this is real ignorance.
Why would the
But the trappings of knowledge and belief go deep and reflect in many social norms. Think homosexuality. The latest burning battle!
If only we could come out of what we know, we could know more!
Happy riding!