The zoo though having nice greenery as it’s also a botanical park, is nonetheless a very suffocating place. I felt. It won’t take much of empathizing to know what the animals in the zoo might feel.
Imagine a snake having to live in a place not bigger than our TV carton, but then that’s what zoo are all about. How about a duck having no water to paddle. There were so many instances like this.
I wondered at the large cages and now wonder who terrorizes whom. Animals looked quiet sad. And seeing them i remembered slavery. Have we not abolished slavery? So why keep these animals in such bondage. And then there were people making funny noises, some clicking photographs with an elephant in the background.
The zoo needs to be shut, and the animals need to be rehabilitated. Why do we need a zoo- for education, entertainment, tourism – all these arguments seem to be out of time. Regarding preservation, I’d say – please don’t use Mumbai to preserve animals in this fashion.
It'd be great if peacocks could dance, deer’s could run, ducks could paddle, monkeys could jump and elephants could walk freely, may be in the forest, and may be in a sanctuary. Fortunately we have a national park in Mumbai.
I hope, this is my last visit to the zoo, anywhere in the world!